By Nicole MOORE
Jackie Barlow, Economic Development coordinator for the City of Glendale, gave an update on the site of the former Rocky Cola Café at the April 5 meeting of the Montrose Shopping Park Assn. board of directors. She reported that a public hearing is scheduled on April 25 regarding parking reductions for the property. The MSPA board was pleased with this update, seeing it is a preliminary step in reopening the property for public use.
The board also asked Barlow about an In-N-Out truck that didn’t have a special event permit that was parked on a recent Friday evening outside Montrose Bowl for a private party.
“We have an issue with food trucks as they compete with restaurants … Also, anytime you take up parking here it gets our goat,” said GiGi Garcia, owner of It Takes A Village…Kids and an MSPA board member.
“It sounds like they were supposed to get a permit and they didn’t,” replied Barlow. “Next time you can call the police.”
Officer Minas Tsolakyan, Lt. Oscar Rodriguez and Sgt. Patrick Magtoto, members of the Glendale Police Dept., agreed with Barlow’s comment before addressing the MSPA’s parking concerns. In recent months, individuals have been leaving their electric vehicles unattended overnight in the shopping village.
“We will contact Glendale Water and Power and will safeguard that outlet for this to be prevented,” assured Officer Tsolakyan. “The best thing to do is to call us and we can contact [the owners of the vehicles] and warn them.”
Marketplace manager Steve Pierce mentioned the manager of Starbucks on Honolulu Avenue has taken issue with a transient individual who is continually parked outside the property. Parents complained to the manager that their children have been touching this individual’s wagon and worry it might be a health hazard. Additionally, some merchants in the shopping park worry his presence will deter potential shoppers.
“He has all the same civil rights we all do. As long as he isn’t violating any laws we have to let him be,” said Lt. Rodriguez. “It’s up to the parents to watch their children. We have to preserve his civil liberties. We can’t just say ‘You are impacting business, move.’ He has the same freedom we do.”
The members of the GDP also informed the MSPA there have been three separate arrests for narcotics abuse. Additionally, a vehicle was stolen from Ocean View Boulevard. Thankfully, the victim left his phone in the vehicle and officers were able to track it via the Find My Phone app.
Next to speak was Glendale Community College’s director of Communications and Community Relations Drew Sugars. Sugars approached the MSPA on behalf of GCC president Dr. David Viar. Recently, GCC acquired the vacant Citibank property at 2350 Honolulu Ave. for use as additional classroom space. During his time at the meeting, Sugars discussed ways to alleviate concerns regarding parking, including providing a potential shuttle.
The next Montrose Shopping Park Assn. meeting will be on May 3 at 8 a.m. The open forum will be held at Glendale Community College’s Professional Development Center, 2340 Honolulu Ave.