ALG Presents Fashion and Fun

ALG President Marcie Haug emceed the show of Thrift Alley fashions.

The Assistance League of Glendale entertained about 60 seniors at their monthly luncheon by modeling items from ALG’s Thrift Alley. Seniors paid the nominal fee of $3 for a lunch that featured Dinah’s Fried Chicken. All seniors who had a birthday in April picked a wrapped birthday gift, a long-standing Senior Neighborhood Fellowship tradition.

Monthly, the League provides seniors with a low-cost luncheon with entertainment and gifts prepared by the ALG Assisteens.

ALG members modeling Thrift Alley fashions. From left are Wendy Constantino, Judy Rogers and Marilyn Greborunis. Rita Burns, Leslie Gordon, Jeri Anderson, Tamara Hughes, Bea Wojtyla