TACH Bash Planned

TACH members, front row from left, are Josie Hull, Tara Donaghy and Caroline Dick. Middle row, from left, are Lisa Dick, Maddie Reinoso, Hannah Song, Patience Nguyen, Hailey Row, Leas Patao, Siena Danscecs, Cari James, Karley Ghaby and. Sophie Ballinger. Back row, from left, are Meghan Gay, Ellie Dick, JJ Dick, Kallie Rushing, Adena DiPaolo, Aidan Rysdal, Trevor Grey and Justin Sabourin.

Teens for the Advancement of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (TACH) present TACH Bash on Sunday, May 6 at Memorial Park in La Cañada in partnership with Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital (FGCH). TACH Bash will immediately follow The Great Chocolate Race that begins at 9 a.m. and is hosted by FGCH. To register or donate, please visit www.fgch.la.

TACH members are La Cañada High School (LCHS) students who meet weekly at school during STEP class. They organize various fundraisers throughout the year to raise awareness and funds for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). TACH hosts the annual LCHS Halloween Dance, coordinates donut drives at school during the year, and stages TACH Bash at Memorial Park, La Cañada after The Great Chocolate Race. TACH Bash offers activities for kids like face painting, obstacle courses and a bounce house.