Fan of Sparr Heights Community Center
I am a 71-year-old recent widow and I began attending the tai chi classes at the Sparr Heights Community Center just seven months ago, at the end of 2017.
After a few weeks of this beautiful exercise, I investigated the class immediately after tai chi, which is “senior fitness,” an aerobics class taught by a very skilled, and considerate teacher, Yvonne Longo. I soon joined this class as well.
Outcome? I am much more physically able now. It is a constant joy to discover how much more staying power I have. My neck is vastly more mobile – in every direction – pain in one knee has vanished as I strengthened that leg, and an ache in one shoulder has been majorly reduced.
My circulation has obviously improved along with my posture and mental clarity and the people in my classes have become a crowd of supportive friends.
Additional to the classes offered, I encounter happy people enjoying the little lending library, playing card games, making music on their instruments, enjoying a cup of coffee together and knitting or crocheting and inevitably there are many smiles and a lot of conversation.
I have been thinking about writing this little letter for some time now, and I am very happy to finally be saying an official thank you to Glendale Community Services and Parks that has created a terrific facility here at the Sparr Heights Community Center.
Judith Duckhorn
La Crescenta


Medians ‘Ill-Conceived’
Glendale’s ill-conceived concrete median construction on Foothill Boulevard in La Crescenta reaches comic proportion as another vehicle strikes and demolishes the Lowell Avenue installation for the second time. Will it be removed now along with its ugly twin at Pennsylvania Avenue or will these unsafe medians remain to await the next traffic accidents?
Glendale, this one should be a no-brainer. And by the way this boondoggle is getting expensive.
Greg Wilkinson