Keep Cool – The Heat is On Its Way


Up until this week Southern California has been able to escape the heat wave that has been moving across the country. But today that all ends when the high-pressure system expands to the west coast.

“We are expecting temperatures to be between 100 and 112 degrees Fahrenheit in the valley,” said Keily Delerme, meteorologist from the National Weather Service.

The 112-temperature will be in the Azusa area while Crescenta Valley is expected to reach 108 at its highest, Delerme said.

“We are expecting windy conditions coming down from the north, coming down from the mountains,” Delerme said.

Humidity will be low, in single digits, so it will be a dry heat but it will still be hot. It is important to remember to hydrate and to find a cool place.

Extreme heat often results in the highest annual number of deaths among all weather-related disasters, according to FEMA.

FEMA guidelines for preparing for extreme heat include: finding an air conditioned place, avoiding strenuous activities, watching for heat illness, wearing light clothing, checking on family members and neighbors, drinking plenty of fluids, watching for heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke and never leaving people or pets in a closed car.

The beaches will be a little cooler with temperatures expected in the mid-70s.

“We are expecting high surf,” Delerme added. “There is a beach hazard statement that is in place from [now] through Friday.”

The waves are predicted between eight and 11 feet. The heat should begin to subside by the first of the week and will be closer to the average temperature of the mid-80s by week’s end.

With the heat comes dry vegetation and fire conditions. The U.S. Forest Service raised the fire danger level to “very high” throughout the Angeles National Forest.

“Elevating the fire danger enhances public awareness that wildfire probability increases as temperatures rise and brush dries out. Despite the change, there are no new campfire restrictions. Open wood and charcoal fires will still be permitted in approved developed campgrounds and picnic areas where a steel ring or stoves are provided,” stated the U.S. Forest Service. “Drivers in the forest should stay on designated roads and never park on dry brush or grass to avoid the risk of starting a fire. Human-caused wildfires account for 94% of all wildfires on the Angeles National Forest, which damage natural resources and threaten lives and property.”

The Los Angeles County Fire Dept. has also raised its fire level to “very high” as well. Homes in the wildfire areas of the foothills have been sent abatement notices and while many have complied some have not.

“We have issued the [forms] for those not in compliance. They will have one month to comply,” said Capt. Jeremy Jones, LA County Fire Station 82.

In addition to weed abatement, all homes, including those away from the ANF, should have their gutters cleared as fires that may not seem close can have embers fly miles when there is wind.

“A lot of [the fire damage] during the Thomas Fire was in downtown Ventura,” he added.

Jones said it is important for all residents to make certain they have a plan set in case of evacuation.

“Have all your stuff ready to go,” he said. “Make sure you have important documents and pictures.”

He added that many times when evacuations are ordered there is not a lot of time for residents to comply. The more prepared residents are the quicker they can evacuate.

“Residents should be ready and heed the warnings to evacuate,” Jones said.

Being prepared for emergencies due to heat or fire, having a home cleared of vegetation allowing defensible space and staying cool and calm is experts’ advice for this weekend.

Cooling stations have been established throughout Glendale. They include: Adult Recreation Center, 201 E. Colorado St., Friday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Maple Park Community Center, 820 E. Maple St., Friday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Pacific Community Center, 501 S. Pacific Ave., Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sparr Heights Center, 1613 Glencoe Way, Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.