Hooray for the Parade

Photos by Robin GOLDSWORTHY
Celebrating the parade were Bolton Hall supporters (from left) Dorothy Skiles, poet laureate Pam Shea and Joe DeCenzo.


An estimated 6,500 people turned out to see the annual Sunland Tujunga Shadow Hills Rotary Club Fourth of July Parade. Over 80 entries, many decked out in patriotic dressing, wove their way down Foothill Boulevard to the cheers (and occasional water gun squirts) from spectators.

The morning began just after 8 a.m. when entrants began to line up on Summitrose Street at Mt. Gleason. The growing crowd of bedecked participants was a surprise to neighborhood resident Ray Alaverdiyan.

“We just moved into this house in October,” Alaverdiyan said. “I didn’t know this was going on.”

Members of the Montrose Search and Rescue team (from left) Doug Cramoline, Janet Henderson, Will Richards and Paul Zemaitaitis.

Alaverdiyan watched as Pam Shea, poet laureate for Sunland-Tujunga, made her way to her transportation, a convertible owned and decorated by Bolton Hall patron Joe DeCenzo. Draped in Lady Liberty garb, Shea fit in with the patriotic theme of the day. Making their way on Summitrose were members of the a mounted equestrain unit and taking part in the parade for the first time were members of the Montrose Search and Rescue team.

As 10 a.m. – the start time for the parade – drew near, participants prepared goodies that would be thrown to spectators. Some also brought beach towels in anticipation of the water guns that would greet them at the end of the parade.

From behind his gate, Alaverdiyan didn’t seem bothered by the commotion.

“Everybody looks excited and happy,” he said. “It reflects the birth of a nation.”

For more photos, visit www.cvweekly.com/NEWS.