St. Bede ICF Wins National Awards

St. Bede Branch 374 of the Italian Catholic Federation was awarded two prestigious awards at the ICF National Convention held at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego over the Labor Day weekend. Both awards are related to the branch efforts over the past two years to increase membership, particularly family membership.

The St. Bede branch won national third place for increased membership in 2017-18 and second place in family membership growth, also in 2017-18.

“We have established an ambitious family membership goal for 2019 focused on encouragement and recruitment of families with children as we continue to grow our youth group and family participation. Our organization is focused on evangelization, charity, spiritual aims and camaraderie. We invite all local Catholics regardless of ethnic origins to join,” said DeZell after the awards were presented.

For membership information, call (818) 952-1969.