OLL Benefits from Fun Run

Quinn Marquez making her way around the track.

What would it take for students to toss a few water balloons at their school principal? The kids at Our Lady of Lourdes School held a Fun Run fundraiser and earned just that treat. Principal Evelyn Cortes battled the students in a water balloon fight as a reward after for raising over $7,000 in two weeks.

The school worked with Apex Fun Run as a leadership program teaching kids what it means to unite as a team. Students were challenged to run between 26 and 36 laps over 30 minutes with many completing well over 40, cooling off at water stations and running through misters on the warm day.

“Teaching teamwork and leadership is just as valuable as math and science,” said one parent. “These kids need character building and it’s something OLL is great at incorporating into the school curriculum.”

The kids ended the day with popsicles and prizes for their efforts.

Students were cheered on in various competitions.
Pitching water balloons at the principal was the reward for raising over $7,000