From the Desk of the Publisher

Surprised? No, Not Really


The big discussion these days are the new medians being installed along Foothill Boulevard. Social media has been aflutter with people confused as to what the construction is along Foothill. It’s almost as if the start date for this long-awaited project was never going to arrive.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

CV Weekly has been reporting on this proposed, then approved, project for over five years. I’ve been trying to respond to inquiries as quickly as possible regarding the new medians and have been directing people to then having them type in “medians” (without quotes) in our website’s search bar to learn about the history of the project.

I think that what most people are really ticked off about is that not only is the Foothill (210) Freeway under construction – according to the CV Chamber of Commerce board meeting that I attended yesterday morning, the work isn’t expected to be totally finished until spring 2019 – and now the primary alternate route, Foothill Boulevard, is a mess. Mary O’Keefe’s story on the bottom cover of this week’s paper outlines the expected progress of the median construction and what we can expect over the next few weeks. A word to our drivers: Please be cautious as you make your way along Foothill. Give yourself some extra travel time because there’s no getting around it: traffic stinks.

Another bit of news that I heard at yesterday’s chamber board meeting was in regard to the $100 charge that the City of La Cañada imposed on the 9/11 Patriot Day motorcade for traveling on its streets. One of our CV Weekly readers, after reading my mention of the fee in my column last week, called the chamber office, one of the organizers of the motorcade, to offer to pay the $100. Thankfully, that isn’t necessary; the City of La Cañada voided the charge. But thanks anyway.

One last note: the annual Sheriff’s Haunted Jail is coming up in October and plans are already underway. Sponsorships are available to support this event that, if you remember, went away for a few years because of lack of money and volunteers. Show your support by being a sponsor. Call Paul at (818) 378-5440 or the sheriff’s station at (818) 248-3464 to see how you can help.