The Last Years of Hindenburg Park We’re seeing some sharp controversy over the addition of a Hindenburg Park sign at the intersection of Dunsmore and Honolulu avenues. The sign of course refers to the historic name of the western portion of Crescenta Valley Park. From the early ’30s until 1957 it was a private picnic […]
Voters Needed in Sunland-Tujunga There is a very important election this weekend for Sunland-Tujunga voters – it will determine the leaders of the next Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council for a two-year term. We are at a critical juncture where everything could change in our beloved community if voters do not support this election. […]
Spring’s New Beginnings Spring has arrived, though in California let’s face it – there hasn’t been much of a difference between winter and spring these last few years. But even if the season doesn’t live up to its reputation, spring does signal new beginnings. And that’s something we’re experiencing here at Crescenta Valley Weekly. It […]
Here is the paper for Thursday, March 24, 2016. Check back every Friday to get your copy on your computer, Smartphone, eReader or tablet to take with you on-the-go! If it works or doesn’t work on your device, let us know and we can make a note of it to improve the experience, or if […]
Here is the paper for Thursday, March 17, 2016. Check back every Friday to get your copy on your computer, Smartphone, eReader or tablet to take with you on-the-go! If it works or doesn’t work on your device, let us know and we can make a note of it to improve the experience, or if […]
Whether growing wild or in more structured environments, blooms aplenty can be found throughout the foothills. By Mary O’KEEFE t’s spring in Southern California and, although some would say seasonal change is minimal, the one thing this time of year brings out is flowers. Beautiful colors in local yards, along sidewalks, in gardens and mountain […]
By Charly SHELTON Last week saw the final community public forums at sites throughout the Glendale Unified School District regarding the upcoming redistricting of areas for school board voters. Until recently GUSD was an at-large district, meaning that anyone who lived within the district’s borders could vote for all five candidates on the GUSD board […]
By Mary O’KEEFE The Crescenta Valley Fire Safe Council treated the California Civilian Corps (CCC) to a picnic lunch at Two Strike Park for their help in clearing vegetation in vulnerable areas including Briggs Terrace, Sutton and Goss canyons. “It was a project to reduce the risk of fire with hazardous fuel reduction,” said J. […]
Investor or Loser? What a wonderful way to end a weekend! On Sunday, my son Matthew and I headed to Santa Anita Race Track for the annual Day at the Races that benefits the Crescenta Valley and Montrose-Verdugo City chambers of commerce and the CV Sheriff’s Support Group. So many familiar faces shared the day […]
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves…” ~ John Muir, naturalist, author, environmental philosopher and preservationist Spring is here! We welcomed […]