Muir 2-0-0 FALCONS 1-0-0 Glendale 1-0-0 Burbank 1-1-0 Arcadia 0-1-0 Pasadena 0-1-0 Burroughs 0-2-0 Hoover 0-1-0
Muir 2-0-0 FALCONS 1-0-0 Glendale 1-0-0 Burbank 1-1-0 Arcadia 0-1-0 Pasadena 0-1-0 Burroughs 0-2-0 Hoover 0-1-0
Falcons’ Lee steals the show in season opener after three players are kicked out early By Maddy PUMILIA The Crescenta Valley varsity football season-opening game against the Santa Paula Cardinals looked like it would be a blowout, but the final score showed a more competitive contest. By halftime, the score was 24-3 with the Falcons […]
Results: First Place Rick Dinger La Crescenta 82 points Second Place Tom Flanagan La Crescenta 75 points Third Place Pat Longo Glendale 68 points The second season of CV Weekly Fantasy Football kicked off with a dominating performance by Rick Dinger. Led by the outstanding performance of Patriot QB Tom […]
By Leonard COUTIN As the blistering heat hit the Santa Clarita Valley on Sept. 8, the CV Falcons entered its first preseason cross-country meet at Central Park. Golden Valley, Newbury Park and Camarillo brought their varsity, JVs and freshman runners to battle it out. After a strong summer program, both locally and in Mammoth, the […]
The weekend of 9.10.11 offered chance for residents to learn more about their community, get some great deals and lend a hand. By Maddy PUMILIA The residents of 91011 found plenty to celebrate the weekend of 9.10.11, with a party at Memorial Park on Friday and open houses on Saturday. “It was great,” 9.10.11 coordinator […]
Ask Phyllis! How to prepare to purchase a home? Dear Phyllis, Our daughter recently graduated college and started working. My husband and I plan to help her purchase a home and were thinking next year would be a good time to begin to look. Can you give us a brief analysis of what we could […]
Carol Cohea, director of Marketing for the Ronald Reagan Library and Museum, will be presenting an intriguing look at the history of the Reagan Library at the monthly meeting of the La Cañada Republican Club on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at the La Cañada Country Club. The dinner meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. and reservations are […]
The Children’s Orthopedic Hospital Guild raises funds so children can receive the care they desperately need. The largest fundraiser the Guild holds is its annual Authors Luncheon. This year the luncheon is being held at the Angeles National Golf Club in Sunland on Oct. 25. Featured will be author Frans Vischer who wrote “Fuddles” about […]
Cori Stearns, Anita Fisher and Chris Waldheim spent four days hiking the High Sierra Camps in Yosemite this summer. Here they are on top of Cold Mountain at 10,301 feet! “I had to bring along my trusty CV Weekly,” said Chris. CV Weekly loves to travel! Take us along on your next trip and send […]
By Charly SHELTON DC has officially launched its new line of number one issues, the New 52. And being such a comics fiend, I was there on the release day to pick up the first issues. Every week DC will release a few more of the 52, and we are introduced to some new […]