Author – and Doctor – Shares his Fiji Vision

By Jason KUROSU Dr. Jerold Beeve, a local ophthalmologist with over 40 years of experience, is not a churchgoer. However, his work and experiences in Fiji over the past 20 years has cemented his faith in God. Beeve states as much in his book “Dear Lord, It’s Jerry Again,” a chronicling of the annual Beeve […]

Possible Predator in Area

By Mary O’Keefe The CV Sheriffs want to make the public aware of a possible predator that approached a young girl on Tuesday evening, March 8 in the Waltonia Drive area of Montrose. A 9-year-old girl ran into her home in the 2200 block of Waltonia Drive. “Someone is following me,” she reportedly told her […]

Parents Need Help in Finding Runaway Teen

By Mary O’KEEFE The smiling face of a young boy can be seen on flyers posted on lampposts along Honolulu Avenue. He is described as blonde with brown eyes and 6-feet tall with a slim build. The 16-year-old boy is not from the area but was in Montrose visiting family at the time of his […]

Meet the Candidates Part 4: GUSD Q & A

On April 5 voters who live within the Glendale Unified School District area will be asked to choose two candidates out of the eight vying for a seat on the district’s school board. The school board members are elected by voters to establish the educational policies of the district. In addition to guiding policy decisions […]

Local Reaction to Earthquake and Tsunami

By Mary O’KEEFE and Brandon HENSLEY The vibrations of the Japanese earthquake and subsequent tsunami have resonated here in the United States as local folks wait to hear how friends and family abroad are faring in the aftermath of the disaster. Erika Suzuki was a member of the executive board of the Crescenta Valley Drug […]


obituary Ivan Cole July 7, 1919 – Feb. 25, 2011 A dear friend and supporter of Shadow Hills and Sunland-Tujunga has been lost. Ivan Cole and his wife Roberta have been steadfast patrons of SHPOA, S/T Poet Laureate program, and the S/T Neighborhood Council through the years. They supported Bolton Hall since the 90s by […]

Preparing for Arbor Day

By Brandon HENSLEY It’s time for Crescenta Valley residents to start thinking green again. Spring officially comes next week, but on Saturday the good feeling of the season will begin a little earlier. The CV Town Council and the L.A. County Department of Parks and Recreation will hold the annual Arbor Day ceremony at Two […]

The Big Dig Comes to California

The “Big Dig,” a megaproject in Boston that put their mid-city freeway underground, went down as the most expensive highway project in U.S. history. It was sold to the taxpayers in 1982 as costing $2.8 billion, but when taxpayers finish paying it off in 2038, it will have cost a whopping $22 billion! The project […]

On the Border

Right on the La Crescenta/La Cañada border is a part of La Cañada that seems to belong more to La Crescenta. It was especially confusing as a kid, having classmates who lived in La Cañada, but attended Glendale schools. The stretch of La Cañada from just west of the YMCA to the border at Briggs […]

Letters to the Editor

Fan of Trucks Since we do not have a seaport, river port, train depot, pipeline or an airport here in Crescenta Valley, the saying “If you got it – a truck brought it” is pretty true and appropriate. Think about it folks – if not for trucks and truck drivers we would be in pretty […]