By Alan DER OHANNESSIAN The Falcons beat Pasadena High School 3-1 Wednesday in their bid to defending their title. After drawing to a two goal tie with Muir High School, the Falcons were looking to get back on the winning track. Although it was a sunny afternoon in La Crescenta, things looked otherwise for the […]
CSA youth baseball/softball spring 2011 signups are Saturday, Jan. 15 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Dunsmore Park and on Saturday, Jan. 22 and Jan. 29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Montrose Park at 3529 Clifton Place in Glendale. CVLL will have walk-up registration and skills evaluation on Jan. 15 and […]
The Insurance Brokers and Agents of Burbank, Glendale & Pasadena announced the establishment of the Ken Anderson Memorial Endowment at Glendale Community College. Local Association President Holly Heurkins and Treasurer Rick Dinger delivered the check to the Glendale College Foundation office on Jan.10. The initial funding for the endowment is just over $14,500. The endowment […]
McGroarty Arts Center is hosting “What is in your heart? – The world is listening” an inspirational interactive public art installation. This installation is a project under the umbrella of the-green-heart, the brainchild of internationally recognized artist and author Petra Eiko. This is the fourth installation of the-green-heart project. The-green-heart is a platform to increase […]
By Ted AYALA It may come as something of a surprise to many that, pace Norman Lebrecht, classical music refuses to die. That the flames of its popularity have decreased in the past few decades there is no doubt. But through it all, the fire of creation and music-making is still there – a flickering […]
SETS IN STEPS DANCE CLUB The Sets In Steps Western Square Dancing Club meets Thursday evenings beginning Jan. 13 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the La Cañada Community Center next to Dilbeck. Dress is casual. The cost is $6 lesson cash and includes refreshments. Partner is suggested but singles are welcome. For more […]
Table Theology: A Conversation Over Casual Food and Drink at a Local Restaurant Bryan Jones, vicar of St. Luke’s of the Mountains Episcopal Church, will be holding the first of seven monthly meetings on The Big 7 Questions that every Christian needs to answer for her/himself. The conversation will start with the first question Who […]
By Brandon HENSLEY If the great fictional wizard Albus Dumbledore once told Harry Potter that is it our choices that show what we truly are rather than our abilities, Rev. Beverly Craig would have been there to back up that statement. Craig is the head of the Center for Spiritual Living, located near the top […]
The Montrose Shopping Park has been getting quite a reputation for our Italian restaurants. Each one has something special to offer and I look forward to writing about all of them. I have very fond memories of when Dale and I first discovered Pasta Preziosa. It was back in 2000 when we were first opening […]
It has been an honor to serve as president of the chamber for the past two years. I’ve worked with an outstanding board of directors and appreciate all they have done. The past two years have had their share of unplanned events, such as the fire and floods, not to mention a downturn in the […]