On Saturday, Dec. 4, members of Las Candelas joined in the celebration at the annual VMH Care Christmas party for the clients of the Glen Roberts Child Study Center. The Las Candelas ladies had previously gift wrapped over 500 packages for the children and were on hand to distribute them at the party and to […]
On Friday, Dec. 10, the Crescenta Valley Armenian Community & Youth Center hosted a mixer and appreciation night arranged by the organization’s Outreach committee. The event raised awareness of the Outreach task force’s activities in collaboration with local officials, agencies and civic leaders. Eighty-five attendees, including representatives and officials from local cities along with sheriff […]
On Saturday, Dec. 4, local children had a chance to meet St. Nick up close and personal at the annual Breakfast With Santa event held at the La Crescenta Woman’s Club. From Rosemont Middle School, music director Rod Yonkers set the holiday mood with a select group of student musicians who played Christmas melodies throughout […]
In a season dominated by Arcadia High School, in November the Crescenta Valley High School girls varsity cross-country team pulled an upset in the Pacific League Cross Country finals held at Crescenta Valley Park. The girls tied with Arcadia for league championship in varsity. Photo by Leonard COUTIN
By Eli LOCKE The La Crescenta Presbyterian Center for Children lent a hand to those less fortunate this holiday season by taking part in the ABC and Firefighters’ 18th Annual Spark of Love Toy Drive. Despite inclement weather on Tuesday, Dec. 21, about 20 kindergarten-aged children from the Center’s after school program boarded the school […]
The Ticktockers from the Class of 2013 of National Charity League, Inc., Glendale Chapter, recently brought the holiday spirit to the athletes of the Tri-Valley Special Olympics. With their mothers, the 30 high school sophomores produced a Winter Wonderland on Sunday, Dec. 5 for nearly 300 athletes and their families. The party included a buffet […]
By Mary O’KEEFE Arguing with a preteen or teen is like riding a rollercoaster. Emotions range from, “I hate you” mad to “You don’t understand” indignation. Imagine a world where teenagers debate, not argue, where logic supersedes teenage angst. That world is the Holy Redeemer Catholic School debate team. The team was formed two years […]
With yet another Christmas now behind us (wait, wasn’t it just Labor Day a couple of weeks ago?), it’s time for that dreaded, though much-anticipated end-of-the-year tradition of making resolutions. Buckle up. Here we go: I resolve to not throw my plate of holiday leftovers through the flat screen TV when I see the 673rd […]
Last week we heard of the raid on the Hardyman home by 20 misguided locals wearing American Legion hats who had, according to their statements, convinced themselves that this meeting of the Democratic Club was planning the overthrow of the U.S. government. No one got hurt, and the scheduled meeting continued, but our homegrown leftist […]
By Robin GOLDSWORTHY and Brandon HENSLEY The last issue of the year offers a chance to reflect on those events that impacted the Crescenta Valley. This was a year that provided plenty of opportunity to lend a hand – whether to our neighbors who suffered loss due to fire or to an iconic tree in […]