Learning about wigs for hair loss or just for fun

Last week, I sat down with Jackie Walls of Jackie’s Hair A Go Go (838 1/2 Foothill Blvd. La Cañada Flintridge) and we talked about what inspired her to open her wig store. In 1997, Jackie woke up and found her life ha changed. When she woke up that morning, she was overwhelmed with a […]

Celebrating 65 years of service to the foothills

An anniversary is a time to revisit the past and look to the future. That’s what First Baptist Church at La Crescenta (FBCLC) is doing as the congregation plans its 65th anniversary celebration this Aug. 21-22 at 4441 La Crescenta Ave. in La Crescenta. Past and present church members and the general public are invited […]

Calendar This

HIGH SCHOOL REUNIONS The Crescenta Valley High School class of 1970 is having its 40-year reunion on Saturday, Oct. 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the Altadena Town and Country Club. The cost is $119 until Sept. 1. Casual event on Friday Oct. 1 at El Cholo Restaurant in Pasadena. Visit www.CVHS70.com for more details and […]

Exploring the power of dreams with ‘Inception’

By Susan JAMES Science fiction meets dream theory in writer-director Christopher Nolan’s exciting new film, ‘Inception.’ Throw in a dash of Jason Bourne and James Bond and a sprinkling of ‘The Matrix’ and all systems are go. Nolan’s space travelers, led by Leonardo DiCaprio’s Cobb, explore strange new worlds but they are the interior worlds […]

An entertaining – and informative – view found in “The Crescenta Valley”

By Erna TAYLOR-STARK Whether new to the Crescenta Valley or a life-long resident, The “Crescenta Valley” is ‘must read’ book. Author and historian Mike Lawler, a weekly columnist formerly with the Crescenta Valley Sun and now with the Crescenta Valley Weekly, has collaborated with Robert Newcombe to create an overview of the foothill community. Lawler […]

Sheriffs hold annual blood drive

By Odalis A. SUAREZ The Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Department held its annual blood drive on Tuesday. Held in the public parking lot of the sheriff’s station, the donor van was parked, the tents were up, and the sign was out encouraging community members to stop by to donate blood. This was the station’s third year […]

CVTC members honor an Arbor Day promise

Photo by Mary O’KEEFE Crescenta Valley Town Council Vice President Steve Goldsworthy and councilmember Kim Mattersteig, along with her husband Paul, planted a tree in honor of Arbor Day. The tree was carried from OSH (Orchard Supply Hardware) at 3100 Foothill Blvd. a few feet away west to its new home at the corner of […]

Beeves honored with Ellis Island Medal of Honor

Dr. Jerold Beeve and his wife Dorothy, residents of La Cañada and founders of the Beeve Foundation for World Eye and Health Care, Inc., each were awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor sponsored by the National Ethnic Coalition (NECO). Only 100 of these medals are given each year and it is extremely rare for […]

Green perspective

Ryan Waldheim stands in front of the meters at J’s Maintenance which recently installed solar panels on its roof. Photo by Mary O’KEEFE Chris Waldheim, the boss of a very big company, is putting up solar panels to avoid using fossil fuels and to save the planet.  If all the other companies would kindly do […]