Curves new 30-minute workout has something for women of all ages

By Shana LiVIGNI Curves’ 30-minute circuit training helps women work every major muscle group, strengthens their hearts and burns up to 500 calories with each workout. Founders Gary and Diane Heavin are considered the innovators of the express fitness phenomenon that has made exercise available to around four million women globally, many of whom are […]

Montrose Shopping Park News: Feel the love in Montrose!

By Mary Dawson When I think of Valentine’s Day, I think red, white, pink, angels, baking, hearts and love. I love being in Montrose during the Valentine season. So many of our stores are in “Valentine“ mode. We enjoy this day. It’s a happy day. Whether you have “that special someone” in your life or […]

from the CV Chamber: The time to help is now

We feel for our fellow residents of the Crescenta Valley who lost their homes or had damage this past week from the mud and debris. If your house was damaged and you need help, please reach out to us and let us know how we can help you. If you were lucky not to have […]

from the Montrose Verdugo City ChamberMontrose is for lovers

If you’re anything like me, you’re one of those chronic last minute shoppers. A fatal disease to have during Valentine’s Day as many sleepless nights on the cold floor have reminded me. You race to the local department store only to find that all the good gifts are long gone. Or you’re short on time […]

Calendar this

YMCA LAUNCHES HEART HELP PROGRAM The Crescenta-Cañada Family YMCA is holding free classes on Wednesdays on heart health presented through Huntington Hospital’s Heart Help program. The program is particularly appropriate for those who are overweight, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or who are not physically active. Heart disease is the leading cause of death […]

RECIPE: Eggplant Parmesan

Here’s a delicious recipe for Eggplant Parmesan, and if you can’t bare eggplant try any type of squash or zucchini. Anna Loutsos Ingredients 1 large eggplant (or squash) 2 pounds, sliced ½” thick crosswise 1 tablespoon olive oil Coarse salt and ground pepper 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 […]

Weekly Horoscopes Provided by

FEBRUARY 8, 2010 – FEBRUARY 14, 2010 ARIES March 21 – April 19 You need to apologize, Ram! You stated your case clearly, but you offended someone recently due to your plain speech. Thursday, it’s time to make amends to your associate. The New Moon takes place in tolerant Aquarius in your zone of companionship […]

Oscar breakdown: Part 2

By Charly Shelton We have all seen the Oscars. The host, or this year hosts, walks on stage and makes a few jokes and then announces the category. Then another star comes out to read the nominees and then, after a dramatic pause and some trouble opening the envelope, the winner is read and applause […]

The new “Wolfman” nibbles at the classic

By Charly SHELTON In 1941, Lon Chaney Jr. starred in a classic horror movie for Universal Studios – the studio that was famous for its monster movies. “The Wolf Man” was an instant classic about a man named Larry Talbot who came home to his father’s castle in Wales upon hearing his brother has died. […]