Some of the Santas are seen leaving the Halong Bay cruise to go to Vietnam School, Trung Tieu Hog Viet Hai to distribute gifts and good cheer to students.
Pictured are Renate Winter of Lakeview Terrace, Tom and Dulciep Passanini of La Cañada Kiwanis, Georgia Smith, former La Cañada resident, with Kerry Erickson (hiding in the Santa suit), Ann and Lupe Gonzalez, former La Crescenta residents, Danette Erickson with Ron Young, formerly of La Cañada (behind Danette), and the black bearded Santa, Zach Lenz of Lakeview Terrace.
The Good Will tours started in 1984 as a philanthropy of telephone Pioneers and continues with La Cañada Kiwanis with others joining in over the years.
They also visited a Vietnam Hospital, Dang Cong San Vietnam Quang Vinh Muon Nam, where the handicap patients performed for the “Santas.”