Endowment Announced

The Insurance Brokers and Agents of Burbank, Glendale & Pasadena announced the establishment of the Ken Anderson Memorial Endowment at Glendale Community College. Local Association President Holly Heurkins and Treasurer Rick Dinger delivered the check to the Glendale College Foundation office on Jan.10. The initial funding for the endowment is just over $14,500.

The endowment was created by funds received after the passing of Ken Anderson in 1996. Ken Anderson was a graduate of Glendale High School and Cal State Los Angeles. His insurance career began in 1963 at Carlton G. Anderson and in 1966 Ken became president of CG Anderson & Associates. He was the president of the Pasadena Insurance Association in 1980 and ’81 and was a member of the board of directors and served on the executive committee of Independent Insurance Agents Association of California which evolved into IBA-West.

The funds were held by IBA – West until a few years ago when local insurance association leader Joe Gieson requested the funds to the local association.

After several meetings at the local level, the board voted to establish the Ken Anderson Memorial Endowment at Glendale Community College to benefit the insurance certificate program and its students.