Dignity Health Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center awarded $110,464 to 12 Glendale organizations. Dignity Health Glendale Memorial Hospital awarded grants to partnering organizations to respond to needs identified in its most recent Community Health Needs Assessment, including obesity, mental health, diabetes, alcohol and substance abuse, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and cholesterol.
The four groups of partnering agencies that were awarded funds included Ascencia, Corporation for Supportive Housing and Northeast Valley Health Corporation; Glendale Healthy Kids, Glendale Community Free Clinic, and Walk Bike Glendale; Glendale Parks and Open Space Foundation, Glendale Community Services, & Parks Dept.; Glendale Unified School District Wellness Works, YWCA Glendale and Trauma Resource Institute.
“Our Dignity Health Community grants program seeks to partner with other community organizations whose efforts embody Dignity Health’s five core values: dignity, collaboration, justice, stewardship, and excellence,” said Rev. Cassie McCarty, director of Mission Integration and Spiritual Care Services for Glendale Memorial Hospital. “We are so impressed by the accomplishments of our community agency neighbors, and we are honored to support their efforts.”
The Community Grants Program is funded by contributions from Dignity Health member hospitals and supports Glendale Memorial Hospital in its mission to provide compassionate, high quality and affordable health services.
On Jan. 22, Glendale Memorial Hospital held a luncheon for the partnering agencies to accept their grant award.