People Making News

Leegan Lim and Alexis Slater, both from La Cañada, were among over 1900 students from Wake Forest University who made the fall 2012 dean’s list.

Wake Forest University, located in Winston Salem, N.C., combines the best traditions of a small liberal arts college with the resources of a large research university.


The University of Rhode Island announced that 4,199 undergraduates have qualified for the fall 2012 dean’s list. The students represent nearly all of Rhode Island’s cities and towns, all six New England states, New York and New Jersey, and many other states and nations.

Ashton E. Avila of Glendale, Rachel Ryu of La Crescenta and Yoo Kyung Lee of Montrose all made the URI’s fall 2012 dean’s list.

To be included on the dean’s list, students must have completed 12 or more credits during a semester for letter grades with at least a 3.30 quality point average. Part-time students qualify with the accumulation of 12 credits with a 3.30 quality point average.


Lydia Kay of La Cañada, a member of the class of 2013 at Trinity College in Hartford, Conn., has received faculty honors for the 2012 fall semester.

To earn faculty honors, a student must achieve a semester grade point average of at least a 3.667 with no individual letter grade below B-minus.