Glendale chapter providing donations, encouragement to Ascencia homeless shelter residents.
National Charity League, Inc., Glendale Chapter is working with Ascencia, Glendale’s homeless shelter, to provide donations and events for its residents. The mother/daughter organization recently assembled 187 complete hygiene kits, collected hundreds of baby items and delivered boxes of business appropriate attire to Ascencia as part of the Achieving Acts of Kindness Ticktocker Council project.
Composed of daughters in leadership roles from each class, the Ticktocker Council created a monthly list of items useful to Ascencia residents, and is collecting donations from NCL members on an ongoing basis. Items for February include canned or boxed foods.
On Saturday, Feb. 11, the Ticktocker Class of 2014 held its NCL Chapterwide Project with Share the Love, a Valentine party for Ascencia residents. Ticktockers from all grade levels contributed to this effort, either in party planning, hosting or making 100 fleece blankets to give to the residents at the party.
“Although it was cold, wet and dreary outside, we are still glowing in the warmth of NCL’s kindness and giving to our residents,” said Elizabeth Tismeer, Volunteer & Special Programs manager for Ascencia. “The outreach staff in the field has taken two [filled] bags of blankets, and the front desk manager is distributing the remaining blankets to walk-ins. All of the clothing has been selected by residents and the baby items have been distributed.”

Last year, NCL Glendale assisted the La Cañada, La Crescenta, Glendale and Burbank areas with more than 10,707 hours of service and $47,000 to special projects for their charities, some of which are Habitat for Humanity, Glendale YWCA, Special Olympics and Glendale Adventist Play to Learn Pediatric Therapy Center.
For more information about National Charity League, Inc., Glendale Chapter, visit www.nclglendale.org.