McGroarty 2017 Artists Show Reception

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McGroarty Arts Center will be holding its 2017 McGroarty Artists Show Reception on March 11, showcasing the artwork of the center’s students and staff with live entertainment, free craft beer, wine and snacks.

“We are excited to show the community the artwork of our students and teachers, and we are thrilled to see a rebirth of creative community at McGroarty,” said Dawn Jenkins, co-curator of the event, along with local artist Carolyn Young.

This is the first time in over a decade the center will be featuring two-dimensional artwork by McGroarty’s students and teachers. The event is part of McGroarty Artists Show 2017, running March 8-14, with the open reception on March 11, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

For more, please visit

McGroarty Arts Center is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization founded in 1953 at the home of California’s first ever poet laureate, John Steven McGroarty. Since its founding, the center has been serving the community with multi-disciplinary arts education and training.