DAR Presents Good Citizen Awards

DAR Good Citizen Chair Barbara Rogers (left) and Chapter Regent Elaine La Marr (right) presented local students with the prestigious DAR Good Citizen Award. Honored young women included (back row from left) Danielle Garcia, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy and Sherry Zaki, Clark Magnet Night School. Also (front row from left) JiSun Paek from Crescenta Valley High School and Kaitlin Liston from Flintridge Preparatory School. LCHS recipient Andrea Klein was unable to attend.
DAR Good Citizen Chair Barbara Rogers (left) and Chapter Regent Elaine La Marr (right) presented local students with the prestigious DAR Good Citizen Award. Honored young women included (back row from left) Danielle Garcia, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy and Sherry Zaki, Clark Magnet Night School. Also (front row from left) JiSun Paek from Crescenta Valley High School and Kaitlin Liston from Flintridge Preparatory School. LCHS recipient Andrea Klein was unable to attend.

The Don José Verdugo Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution – NSDAR – honored local high school students with the organization’s prestigious Good Citizens Award. The young women were selected for their outstanding qualities of service, leadership, dependability and patriotism.

A luncheon honoring the students was held at a Pasadena restaurant recently. Good Citizens Chairman Barbara Rogers introduced the students and presented them with a Certificate of Award, Good Citizen lapel pin, a copy of the U.S. Constitution, DAR material and a monetary award.

During the presentation, each student introduced their parents and a school representative in attendance and spoke about their future and where they plan to attend college.