O’Brien, Dove at Village Poets Reading

Village Poets of Sunland-Tujunga invites poets and friends of poetry to the second of this year’s monthly readings. It will be held in-person on Sunday, March 26 at 4:30 p.m. at Bolton Hall Museum, 10110 Commerce Ave. in Tujunga. Featured will be poets Toti O’Brien and Linda Dove.

Toti O’Brien is the Italian accordionist with the Irish last name. Born in Rome, living in Los Angeles, she is an artist, musician and dancer. She is the author of “Other Maidens,” “An Alphabet of Birds,” “In Her Terms,” “Pages of a Broken Diary” and “Alter Alter.”

Linda Dove holds a Ph.D. in Renaissance literature and teaches college writing. She is also an award-winning poet of four books: “In Defense of Objects,” “O Dear Deer,” “This Too” and “Fearn” as well as the scholarly collection of essays, “Women, Writing, and the Reproduction of Culture in Tudor and Stuart Britain.” Poems have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, the Robert H. Winner Award from the Poetry Society of America, Best of the Net and Best Microfiction. More recently, she has acted as a cultural critic, writing reviews and editing creative work for several internationally recognized visual artists. She lives on the eastern edge of Los Angeles where she serves as the faculty editor of MORIA Literary Magazine at Woodbury University. 

Two segments of open mic will be available and refreshments will be served. Suggested donation of $5 per person for the cost of refreshments and to donate to the Little Landers Society.