On March 26, the Junior League of Pasadena, Inc. (JLP) held an intimate luncheon for its Community Advisory Board (CAB) and shared the status of the JLP’s implementation of its Issue-Based Community Impact (IBCI) model. The IBCI model creates an alignment with the Junior League of Pasadena’s capacity to target and effect meaningful change in high-need community issues through the effective action of its trained volunteers.
The JLP Community Advisory Board is composed of some of Pasadena’s most influential civic and community leaders. The board discussed future nonprofit and civic partnerships, provided insights into the issues and needs that are affecting the Pasadena community at large and provided feedback on how the Junior League of Pasadena as a non-profit volunteer organization could work to directly impact them.
“We are greatly honored to have such an experienced group of leaders advising our League as we enter the final phase of our strategic planning,” said President Kristen Schwarz.
Founded in 1926, the Junior League of Pasadena is responsible for promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the local community. Throughout its 88-year history, the Junior League has helped to create programs that leave a long and lasting impact on the Pasadena community. Past projects of the Junior League of Pasadena include Kidspace Children’s Museum, the docent program at the Huntington Library, and La Casita at Madison Elementary in Northwest Pasadena.
Currently, the Junior League of Pasadena provides tour guides for Pasadena Unified School District’s “My Masterpieces” art tours for second grade students, volunteers for Mothers’ Club Early Readers’ Book Club, as well as performs countless hours of community service at organizations throughout the San Gabriel Valley through the League’s Done In A Day projects. These projects provide non-profits with dozens of volunteers to complete necessary projects.