Getting to Know American Legion Post 377

Building began on American Legion Hall at 10039 Pinewood in Tujunga on Memorial Day 1930 under Charter 250. The American Legion previously owned and occupied what is now known as Bolton Hall. In the early ’70s the building took on a new charter as Post 377.    

Post 377 usually holds its dinners (usually with live entertainment and dancing) on the third Saturday of each month. Learn more by calling (818) 353-9856.

On April 15 there was a brown bag auction and Commander’s Dinner with live band music. Dinner started around 6:30 p.m. and included live music. The cost was $20 per person. The brown bag auction contained items valued at any price, new and used in good condition. Poppies were available at the Post.

The History of the Poppy

The red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice and is worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for America in all wars. It reminds Americans of the sacrifices made by veterans while protecting the nation’s freedoms and assuring those at home they might continue to live in peace.

Vets in rehabilitation assembled poppies from a huge box filled with bright red crepe paper that had multiple leaf-shape cut outs, sheets of green and black strips with close edge cuts resembling flat brooms, pre-cut wires and pages of labels “Made by Veterans.”

The poppy grew wild on the battlefields of Flanders Field in Belgium and flourished among the shelled buildings and bomb-scarred landscape. Its brilliant red bloom, so much like the blood that had been shed, became a sign of hope and renewal for those who survived the battle. For those who would never leave, it was a perpetual memory to their bravery. In the minds of the doughboys of World War I, it became the symbol of the sacrifice they had endured.

American veterans brought home the image of the poppy and planted it with the Auxiliary where it has bloomed every year as a reminder of those who service in the military. The Memorial Poppy contributions are devoted entirely to rehabilitation and assistance for veterans and their families.

For over 70 years, the American Legion Auxiliary has sponsored Poppy Day to remind America that millions have sacrificed their lives and health to keep America strong and free.

Everyone, whether or not they make a contribution, is encouraged to wear the poppy with dignity and pride, especially during the month of May and on Memorial Day. Donations to the American Legion of any amount are welcome.

Vets make the poppies and he or she only earned 10 cents for each poppy assembled. After the Auxiliary gets contributions, 10% from the proceeds are donated. The money that remains after the donation is put into the welfare fund where it is used to benefit other veteran programs.

Poppies are available at various locations as well as at Post 377.

Post 377 Auxiliary has begun to sell poppies with sales culminating in a Memorial Day ceremony at Sunland Park.

Another event to enjoy is Kentucky Derby Day at 2 p.m. on May 6, hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary of American Legion Post 377. It’s a fun horse race game where money can be won!

Another birthday celebration is scheduled for Saturday, May 20 and offers food and live entertainment.  

Submitted by Katie O’BRIEN