ALG Hosts Garden Tea Party

Karen Millman, Alma Tycer, Rouby Hardy, Brit Trydal
Michael Martin (Rosario), Bea Wojtyla, Roger Thisdell (Diane), Pat Spencer, Jean Meza-Sosa

The Assistance League of Glendale had a garden party tea and fashion show of their Thrift Alley fashions in March at their clubhouse at 314 Harvard in Glendale.

President Mary Lo Follett introduced the chair (or tea hostess) Sue McGrew who, with her committee, presented a fabulous assortment of tea sandwiches, scones and wonderfully tiny desserts. The garden hosts of the wine and punch bowl were Michael Martin and Roger Thisdel.

Danette Erickson and Margaret Hammond were parking lot monitors

The opportunity gifts were highlighted by a homemade money tree with bills made into butterflies by Donna Franklin. There was a contest for the best hats won by Barbara Moestro, Lucille Horejsi and Glyniss Anthony.

The fashion show was moderated by past president Karen Millman with assistant from Rita Turkmany. The models chose outfits from the Thrift Alley with amazingly low price tags. Models were Judy Cabrera, Wendy Constantine, Tamara Hughes, Sylvia Kowal, Jean Meza-Sosa, Judy Rogers, Maureen Whitaker, and the ever-hilarious fun loving Bea Wojtyla.

A great day in the garden was had by almost 100 attendees.

Kathy Prosser and Anne Wilson
Barbara Mastro, Lucille Horejsi, Glyniss Anthony show off their best of their class hats
Donna Franklin is ready for tea time