The YMCA of the Foothills has begun the process of integrating the new branding released from Y-USA in July. People will not only start seeing the new colorful logos on display, but also a new opportunity to strengthen the foundations of the foothill community.
Today, across the United States, Ys are making a difference in three key areas of focus:
•Youth Development: Nurturing the potential of every child and teen
•Healthy Living: Improving the nation’s health and well-being
•Social Responsibility: Giving back and providing support to our neighbors
The Y’s former logo had been in place since 1967 and was the organization’s sixth since its inception. The refreshed logo, with its multiple color options and new, contemporary look, better reflects the vibrancy of the Y and the diversity of the communities it serves. The new logo is bold, active and welcoming shape symbolizes the Y’s commitment to personal and social progress.