CV Weekly On The Move!!

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Members and supporters of the Assistance League of Glendale took CV Weekly with them when they hit the high seas to raise funds while having fun!

Members who took a seven-day cruise on the Crown Princess included President Karen Millman, Incoming President Mary Lo Follett, Karin Jonke, Sally Benson, Alma Tycer, Danette Erickson, Marcie Haug, Donna Franklin, Sylvia Kowal, Rita Cohen, Rouby Hardy, Clay Kempson, Leni Richardson, Jean Wack, Jan Thompson, Jane Rosell, Sandy Fleischer, Anne Phelps, Arlene Lloyd, Yvonne Elleri, Linda Pebsworth, Rosemarie Lassone, Beverly Lloyd and Suzy Coulter.

CV Weekly loves to travel! Take us along on your next trip and send us a photo. You may find yourselves on the pages of the community’s favorite newspaper.