Veterans Corner May 2020

VA Odds & Ends

The U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) announced veterans using VA Video Connect on their TracFone mobile phones through the T-Mobile network will no longer pay for data while using video telehealth technology to connect and meet with their VA health care teams. TracFone Wireless, Inc. is the fourth major wireless carrier to partner with VA to support veterans who are using VA Video Connect.

T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon began in 2019 to enable veterans to use VA Video Connect without data charges. VA Video Connect enables veterans to video conference with their VA providers on their smartphone, tablet or computer from any location with an internet connection.

“Our goal at VA is to provide the best health care experience for all veterans regardless of where they live,” said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie. “This new partnership with TracFone increases access for veterans and ensures health care is accessible anywhere. Approximately 150,000 SafeLink customers can benefit from this application.”

In fiscal year 2019, VA provided 2.6 million telehealth episodes of care to more than 900,000 veterans, representing a 16% increase from the previous year in the number of veterans receiving care via VA’s telehealth services.

Universal Masking Policy at the Durham VA Health Care System

On May 1, the VA announced a mandatory universal masking policy for all VA health care facilities, which includes mandatory face covering for all veterans, staff, visitors, trainees, residents, family members or contractors who enter a VA medical facility. Face coverings include, but are not limited to, surgical masks, N95 masks, and cloth masks. The official start date for the mandatory universal masking was May 7.

The face covering must cover the mouth and nose, fit snugly, allow for breathing without restriction and be laundered daily (for cloth masks). When removing a face covering, avoid touching the eyes, nose, or mouth. It is recommended that everyone should wash their hands immediately after removing their face covering. For those who do not have a face covering, upon arrival at the DVAHCS or any affiliated facilities one will be provided. Exceptions will be made for veterans with a documented medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask.