Balinese Gamelan Merdu Kumala at McGroarty Arts Center

By Katie O’BRIEN

On Saturday, May 27 many were transported to the Indonesian exotic island of Bali, via the McGroarty Arts Center, to enjoy the ancient rituals of music and dancing at an event hosted by the Sunland-Tujunga Branch of the LA County Library.

The free concert by Gamelan Merdu Kumala included refreshments provided by the Back Door Bakery as the community watched an ensemble of metallophones, hand drums, strings and bamboo flutes that created shimmering layers of rhythmically intricate, lyrical patterns. Dances were filled with quivering hand and body movements and a variety of masks.

According to Joe DeCenzo, committee chairman of the Arts, Recreation and Cultural Committee of the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council, “I thought it was a very beautiful and high-class production.”

Gamelan Merdu Kumala is an American gamelan which, according to the dictionary, is an Indonesian orchestra consisting of bowed stringed instruments, flutes, and a great variety of percussion instruments. This ensemble has formed a community in the Tujunga area, and is a non-profit grassroots organization. Founded in 2014 by the artistic director Hirotaka Inuzuka, this independent ensemble provides classes, workshops, and performances to bring musical fulfillment to individuals and transfigure that energy outward to communities to create a greater shared experience and unity.

Through classes, summer camps, lectures/demonstrations, and workshops, GMK provides an environment for learning about the tradition of Balinese gamelan. 

Classes and rehearsals are offered on Sundays and Tuesdays. Public is invited to view rehearsals, attend beginning classes, private lessons, dance lessons, and workshops or just come for a studio visit to learn more about this art.

Balinese Gamelan Merdu Kumal rehearsals and workshops resumed June 11. Anyone wishing to view Balinese rehearsals, attend beginning classes, private lessons, dance lessons and workshops or want to come for a studio visit to learn more about this art contact Wendy at or call (818) 951-8996 or visit website:

Photos by Katie O’BRIEN