‘Bridging’ Fun at Community Center

Players ponder their cards at the annual bridge tournament, a Fiesta Days kick off event.
Players ponder their cards at the annual bridge tournament, a Fiesta Days kick off event.

The Community Center of La Cañada Flintridge kicked off the 39th Annual Memorial Weekend Fiesta Days celebration with 32 seasoned bridge players in teams of four each competing for first place.

The bridge tournament is a cornerstone in the senior programming that takes place throughout the year at the community center.

“It’s thrilling to be a part of the tradition of the Fiesta Days,” said Deb Jordan, the community center’s executive director. “Our bridge club is a vibrant part of our long history and to see the auditorium filled with such serious card players was fascinating to watch.”

La Cañada resident Malak Peterman not only oversees the bridge club but also acted as the coordinator and emcee of the tournament.

In her introductory remarks, Peterman commented, “We are blessed and thankful for the community center for providing us with a place to meet, play bridge and develop new friendships.”

“Rubber Bridge” is most often played for fun, but at the May 25 tournament there were bountiful gift baskets for the top winners. The tournament was followed by dinner served by the community center staff and volunteers from La Cañada Flintridge high schools.

Between rounds, Miss La Cañada Flintridge and her Royal Court stopped by to meet the bridge players.

Tournament winners included John Hindsill who took first place, Jerry Sill placed second and Hildy Mueller took third.