Pioneer Club Celebrates Early Father’s Day

Pictured from left are Joe Vinci, Pete Patti, Vito Cannella, Tom Lindell, Tom Passafiume, Roy Pauly, Larry Weisner, Robert Hamrick, Emery Fekety. Missing is Ray Bentsen.
Pictured from left are Joe Vinci, Pete Patti, Vito Cannella, Tom Lindell, Tom Passafiume, Roy Pauly, Larry Weisner, Robert Hamrick, Emery Fekety. Missing is Ray Bentsen.

The Pioneer Club of Montrose recently celebrated Father’s Day at Healy Hall in Montrose. The club, which has 75 members, has been in existence for over 50 years and members meet at Healy Hall (Holy Redeemer Church) in Montrose the first and third Monday of each month. The meetings consist of a business meeting, lunch and Bingo. All are welcome.
