Kiwanis Club of La Cañada Awards Scholarships, Honors Four Local High School Graduates

Pictured from left are Diana Anderson, Nicole Huh, Kiwanis Club of La Cañada President Terry Piasky, Michelangelo Arriaza-Silva and Tiennity Le.
Photo courtesy of Alice PEREZ

Aimed at helping students reach their highest potential, the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada awarded four recently graduated local high school seniors scholarships of $2,000 each. The scholarship recipients were La Cañada High School graduates Diana Anderson, Nicole Huh, Michelangelo Arriaza-Silva and Tiennity Le, who also received a commemorative Scholarship of Distinction certificate from Kiwanis Club of La Cañada President Terry Piasky. The celebration was kicked off by the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada Vice President – Programs Joe Radabaugh as La Cañada High School Assistant Principal Amy Marcoullier, Club and family members cheered on the students.

The Kiwanis Club members had rallied together to raise the funds for the scholarships; criteria included community service, schoolwork performance and recommendations by high school counselors. Also fueling the decision-making process was the students’ future educational goals and their enthusiasm to make a difference in their community.

When asked about the event, Kiwanis Club of La Cañada President Piasky said, “We are thrilled to award scholarships to these very deserving students. The scholarship program is a key component of the Kiwanis’ mission to serve children, and we hope the awards will inspire these youth as they begin a wonderful new chapter in their lives.”

Anyone interested in helping kids while making friends and having fun is invited to attend, or Zoom in on, a Kiwanis Club of La Cañada meeting held each Wednesday at noon featuring the “Guest Speaker of the Week” program. To receive an invitation, email or visit