Ki Park (VHWC) and Diana Tyson (Burbank), both directors of respective choruses.
Verdugo Hills Women’s Chorus (VHWC) and Burbank Singers are taking a summer break from rehearsals, preparations and entertaining groups in the foothill and surrounding communities. Diana Tyson, director of Burbank Singers and, until recently, the accompanist for VHWC, played hostess to members of the local choruses at her home in the hills of La Crescenta on June 29. The weather cooperated and several people enjoyed the swimming pool that was “summer ready” plus a Korean barbecue with Ki Park (director of VHWC) providing the grilling expertise. Members of both choruses donated a variety of culinary offerings on the side. The barbecue was followed by several games of bingo complete with prizes for the winners.

Both VHWC and Burbank choruses are members of California Women’s Chorus, Inc. (CWC), a statewide organization whose goal is to promote choral singing among women and to provide scholarships for students of vocal music. Scholarships are awarded yearly at a place “to be announced” in the spring in Southern California. Most recently, the two groups met with members of eight other CWC choruses in Orange and performed in a concert with 175 women. Members of VHWC and Burbank Singers collaborated on two songs and performed them at the recent CWC banquet. They were joined onstage by the dynamic dancing duo of Michelle Webster of Burbank Singers and her husband Jeremy.

middle row from left are Sue Stimpson, Zeva Joulhaian, Nancy Howe, Nancy Parent and Joan Fontana. Seated are Gloria Windrum, Joanne Cesta and Marge Mayer.
Summer Splash was the perfect way to close the singing year and for members to spend some free time before getting back to rehearsals and performances in September. VHWC and Burbank rehearse and perform from September to June and are always open to new members. No auditions are required, just a love of music and a desire to sing. Anyone interested in joining either chorus is invited to contact Ki Park (VHWC) at (818) 720-6465 or Meredith Glaser (Burbank) (818) 679-1848.
“Let’s get together and celebrate our fun convention collaboration and friendships,” said Tyson, “and raise a toast to the future!”
And that is exactly what the singers did.
Written and submitted by
Arlene Massimino 7-1-19
Photos courtesy of Arlene Massimino