Cathy Keen, installing officer with President Monica Sierra.
Las Candelas held its last meeting of the 2011-12 year at the home of Bobbi Gangi, immediate past president. Cathy Keen installed the new officers: President Monica Sierra (who will be repeating as president); First Vice-President Ellyn Semler; Second Vice-President Sharon Anderson; Third Vice-President Ginny Simpson; Fourth Vice-President Patti Baker; Fifth Vice-Presidents Jeri Benton and Linda Malmquist; Sixth Vice-Presidents Bobbi Gangi and Diane Russell (Benefit Co-Chairmen); Recording Secretary Anna Brewer; Corresponding Secretary Patti McCormick; Treasurer Ann Jones; Philanthropy Treasurer Harriet Rector; Parliamentarian Karen Whyte.
Carolyn Beaton and Patti Baker completed their provisional year and are now full-fledged members. Marion Graydon Greene and J.C. were introduced as new provisionals.
The mission of Las Candelas for more that 50 years has been helping emotionally disturbed children in the community. The organization provides services for children at Glendale YWCA, Glendale Healthy Kids, Didi Hirsch Center (formerly Verdugo Mental Health), Hathaway-Sycamores and Hillsides Education Center. The funds to support these are earned through the organization’s bi-annual luncheon and fashion show benefit. Each year Las Candelas donates over $40,000 to these groups.