The Crescenta-Cañada Lions Club held its annual scholarship dinner on July 6. Shown is club president Art Rinaman with this year’s scholarship awardees.
The Crescenta-Cañada Lions Club, following their mission to serve the foothill community, continued to make a difference by giving local high school students scholarships and collecting suitcases and backpacks for foster care children.
On July 6, the Club awarded three Crescenta Valley High School and three La Cañada High School students with $1,000 scholarships each. The winners of the scholarships were Nathaniel Homan, Jae Young Lee (Joyce), Tiffany Lam, Katherine Brown, Kayla McCue and Estrella Sainburg. The Club worked with counselors and teachers from each school to decide who would receive the award. They determined the recipients based on need and volunteer work.
“The scholarships are a tradition that goes back many years,” said Crescenta-Cañada Lions Club President Art Rinaman. “Every year, it’s a fun experience to see who gets chosen. The kids … give back to the community. It gives hope to the future.”
The Club is also sponsoring the second annual Kases for Kids drive with the help of Lions Clubs of Los Angeles Mid Valley and the Los Angeles Department of Children Services. The Club is asking the public’s help by donating suitcases or backpacks (whether they are new or old) that will be given to children living in the Los Angeles County Foster Care system. They would also appreciate the donation of toiletries, a stuffed animal or a blanket. The last date of collection is Aug. 27. The location to donate the suitcases or backpacks is the Ralphs Parking Lot (located at Foothill Boulevard and Raymond Avenue). So far, the Club has collected 10 suitcases.
Last year, the Club collected 157.
“My goal is to at least double that,” said Rinaman.
Worldwide, the Lions Club has 1.53 million members and 4,000 chapters. The Crescenta-Cañada Lions Club does many community service tasks throughout the year including collecting used eyeglasses and overseeing many youth programs. The Club, founded in 1947, meets the first and third Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. in the conference room of the Citibank on Honolulu Avenue.
“The community is encouraged to come join us,” Rinaman said. “Come to our meeting and see what we’re all about.”