The American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) Verdugo Glen Chapter recently celebrated its 49th Anniversary with a western barbecue themed event at the Glendale Elks Lodge.
Chapter past presidents were honored in addition with special recognition given to the Chapter Woman of the Year Elysa Rosenfeld-Ortiz of Glendale. The Chapter Top 10 Business Woman candidate Dr. Marty Preciado of Tujunga was also recognized.
Also announced was ABWA Verdugo Glen’s Business Associate of the Year Linda West, a teacher and mother of member Loren West.
The final event of the gala was installation of the new executive board by Past President (1970-71) Bernadette Nolan of St. Petersburg, Fl. The new officers are: President Dr. Kella Price, Vice President Lori Hartwell, Recording Secretary Ardis Bazyn, Corresponding Secretary Loren West and Treasurer Elysa Rosenfeld-Ortiz.
The mission of ABWA is to bring together business women of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others to grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition.