The Verdugo Hills Women’s Chorus (VHWC) extends an invitation to catch up with old friends, create new ones and have fun all at the same time. The secret is singing! Women who “used to sing in high school” or have never sung in a chorus before can give it a test run by attending the annual Summer Fun Rehearsal on Monday, Aug. 1 at 9 a.m. at the La Crescenta Presbyterian Church (LCPC) at 2902 Montrose Ave. La Crescenta. The chorus, which is not associated with any church, utilizes the LCPC for their weekly Monday morning rehearsals from September to June and for the Fun Rehearsal in August.
VHWC has entertained in the Verdugo Hills/foothill community for over 60 years and is a member of the statewide organization, California Women’s Chorus, Inc. (CWC). As such they perform in a combined state chorus concert once a year. VHWC performs for local venues during the Christmas and spring seasons. Current membership is 30-plus friendly, energetic and dedicated singers and is open to any woman who has a love of music and a desire to sing. No auditions are required.
Sharon Schlarb, VHWC’s choral director since 1999, presents the chorus with a variety of challenging and fun music. Accompanist Diana Tyson is brilliant at the piano. Together they instill a desire to learn and perfect new music and polish up older songs.
Chorus members reside in La Crescenta, La Cañada, Pasadena, Altadena, Glendale, Burbank and Sunland-Tujunga. There are no geographical boundaries.
The goal of the Verdugo Hills Women’s Chorus is consistent with that of CWC – to encourage choral singing among women and to raise funds for music awards for vocal students. Those interested are invited on Monday, Aug. 1 at 9 a.m. for coffee and cake. Then lend your voices and experience the joy of singing.
Contact Sharon Schlarb at (626) 403-5622 or Arlene Massimino at (818) 409-9209 for more information. Those who plan to attend should RSVP and a packet of music will be available.