Lou Barnett, left, program chair, with President Lois Billings, welcomed Buzz Patterson who signed his books, “Dereliction of Duty” and “Conduct Unbecoming” at the meeting of the GBFA.
The Glendale Burbank, and now Foothills, Assembly enjoyed the numerous stories of one of the most important men in the White House, Robert “Buzz” Patterson, Lt. Colonel USAF (retired), when he carried the “nuclear football” for President Clinton. He had endless stories to relate of his travels both in the Air Force and as a pilot for Delta Airlines. The most exciting part for the group was that he is running for the U.S. Congress representing Area 7, which includes Sacramento and the Lake Tahoe areas of California.
The Aug. 28 dinner meeting of the Glendale Burbank Foothills Assembly offers a chance to meet the candidates at the La Crescenta Woman’s Club, 4004 La Crescenta Ave. Social time begins at 6:30 p.m. with Sonny Sardo on the piano.