Junior League of Pasadena Installs New Board

Front row left are Jennifer Allan Goldman, Jenny Chavez, Kristen Todd, Leah Mason, Dana Jones. Back row are Mary Snider, Sarah Horner Fish, Kristen Noffke, Robyn Grandy and Shannon Gleason.
Front row left are Jennifer Allan Goldman, Jenny Chavez, Kristen Todd, Leah Mason, Dana Jones. Back row are Mary Snider, Sarah Horner Fish, Kristen Noffke, Robyn Grandy and Shannon Gleason.

On May 27, the Junior League of Pasadena, Inc. (JLP) held its annual meeting. It was a night of celebration that honored members’ achievements, revealed new initiatives and installed its new board of directors. Included was the introduction of 24 new members into the JLP.

Outgoing President Kristen Schwarz highlighted the work of JLP with Mothers’ Club Early Learning Center and PUSD’s My Masterpieces programs. These programs demonstrated the League’s dedication to increasing the reach and effectiveness of its mission “Promoting Voluntarism, Developing the Potential of Women and Improving Communities.” Schwarz also shared that in the upcoming year the JLP will explore new ways to fulfill its mission by identifying potential opportunities to help and support two areas of need in Pasadena and the greater San Gabriel Valley: the needs of youth wellness and mental health and the support and development of women.

Incoming president Kristen Todd welcomed the new year and emphasized the reach of the training the JLP provides.

“We are an organization that says yes to your potential. That cultivates your development and then asks you to ‘graduate’ as a sustainer and use those skills to go improve the community around you. I have never been a part of an organization that takes so many ‘chances’ on women with the expectation that you go use that training to improve other organizations.”

Other new board members include President-Elect Robyn Grandy, Community Director Lauren Hooten, Finance Director Jennifer Allan Goldman, Fundraising Director Dana Jones, Marketing Director Shannon Gleason, Membership Director Leah Mason, Program Development Director Jennifer Quintanilla, Recorder Kristen Noffke, State Public Affairs Council (SPAC) Senior Representative Jenny Chavez, Sustainer Director Barbara Baptie, board advisors Sarah Horner Fish and Mary Snider and president’s assistant Whitney Worster.