Dilbeck Reps Earn iPads

iPad winner Efrain Figueroa with Mark Dilbeck.
iPad winner Efrain Figueroa with Mark Dilbeck.

While summer outside temperatures were sizzling, the sales partners at Dilbeck Real Estate Real Living, La Cañada branch, were heating things up inside the La Cañada office.

The sales partners were busy earning a ticket for each of their listings and for every property placed in escrow. On Aug. 10, an opportunity drawing was held among the sales partners for the prize of an iPad.

“The competition was phenomenal and the contest generated over 200 entries with participation by the majority of the office,” said Barry Jones, La Cañada branch manager.

The winning sales partners were Efrain Figueroa and the Sue Eller team.

To reach the Dilbeck Real Estate Real Living, La Cañada office at (818) 790-6774.

From the Sue Eller Team are Kari Carson (left), Mark Dilbeck and Sue Eller.
From the Sue Eller Team are Kari Carson (left), Mark Dilbeck and Sue Eller.