Veterans Corner


Submitted by Andy Gero

Veterans Healthcare

The Veterans Administration is seeking to amend regulations to allow full practice authority for advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) acting within the scope of their VA employment. This action in an ongoing effort to address staff shortages and improve veterans’ access to medical treatment and would expand the pool of healthcare professionals authorized to provide primary and related medical services to veterans. These healthcare resources would be used in a manner consistent with APRN responsibilities in the non-VA healthcare sector while establishing additional professional qualifications necessary for APRNs to be appointed within the VA.

Veterans are encouraged to subscribe to the Washington Update, which contains information on events. You may contact our representative in Congress, Adam B. Schiff, at to subscribe; click on “Help Me” to see how he may best serve you. He may also be reached at his Glendale office (818) 450-2900.

Andy Gero is a lifetime member of American Legion Post 288 and VFW Post 1614. He may be reached through the CV Weekly, (818) 248 2740 or write Crescenta Valley Weekly at 3800 La Crescenta Ave., Suite 101, La Crescenta 91214.