NCL Glendale declares Sellebration a success

Photo by Vita AVANESIAN NCL Ticktockers Caroline Artime (left) and Rebecca Avanesian, who both attend Crescenta Valley High School, are ready to work at the NCL Sellebration at the Pacific Community Center in Glendale.

The National Charity League Chapter in Glendale announced that it raised over $11,000 for 12 Oaks Retirement Lodge and for scholarship distribution.

The huge “hybrid” special event, named Sellebration, was held on Oct. 2.

Over 600 adults and children took advantage of the many unique items for sale. An estimated $14,200 of merchandise was sold. Using an average price of $3 per item, it is estimated that NCL sold over 4,700 items in five hours. Two hundred NCL volunteers, including those from Crescenta Valley, worked Friday night and Saturday to make the event happen.