Board Installed at Kiwanis Club

CVWeekly Kiwanis AM installation

At the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada-AM on Sept. 25, Don Hingst installed the 2013-14 officers. The club meets each Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. at the Lutheran Church of the Foothills.

Installed were president Joe Thompson, president elect-Donn Sarbaum, vice president-Barbie Eland, returning secretary Dick Barley, returning secretary Rosemary Hook and serving as immediate past president is Tom Petersmeyer.

The directors of the many services of the club are Dave Moffett in Communications, Joanne Berg in Human and Spiritual Values, Bill Imbriale in Meetings & Membership, Olof Liden in Major Emphasis, Duane Batenhorst in Student Leadership Programs and Mary Ann Ralser in Community Services.

In addition, Tom Petersmeyer presented distinguished service awards for service done in 2012-13 to Julia Cameron, David Granish and Bob Burlison for their hard work on the great eliminator ride to end tetanus in mothers and babies in third world countries. The ride raised $20,000. Rosemary Hook was also recognized for the many services she has performed throughout the year.

Guests of the meeting included Division 3 Lt. Governor Ron Baker plus four members of the Kiwanis Noon Club. A donation of $400 was presented to Debbie Jordan, director of the Community Center, to help with the remodeling being done there.
This club sponsors St. Bede’s Builder Club, St. Francis Key Club and Franklin High School Key Club.

Submitted by Joyce DAVISON