Fall is often a time of new beginnings and the arrival of cooler weather. To ring in the new season, the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada hosted its annual installation dinner on Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. at the Oakmont Country Club in Glendale.
“This is our time of year when we celebrate ‘out with the old and bring in the new,’” said President Dr. Mike Leininger. The evening was filled with great food, fellowship and fun. Those who attended enjoyed an evening filled with refreshing cocktails, dinner and the installation program. This past year, Leininger served as the Club’s president and said he looked forward to passing the gavel to the newly elected Club President Chuck Terhune. Terhune has worked hard for the past three years to achieve this honor.
“Chuck, with his enthusiasm for the position along with the leadership skills he possesses, will take our club to the next level,” Leininger said.
Senator Anthony Portantino presented the outgoing officers and directors with recognition certificates for their hard work within Kiwanis and the community. Mayor pro tem and Kiwanis member Terry Walker and Pat Anderson, Chamber of Commerce executive director, both thanked Dr. Leininger for his hard work and leadership.
Information on the Club, its service and meeting times are available at http://www.lacanadakiwanis.org. The club meets every Wednesday at noon at Descanso Gardens and new members are always welcome.