Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy has received a record $3 million grant from the Phyllis and Angelo Mozilo Family Foundation to support the expansion of its Arts Center. The gift was announced to the school community on Oct. 23, and is the largest contribution ever received by FSHA since its founding in 1931.
“The life of every great school is punctuated by various events that become the cornerstones around which the school builds momentum for the future. The extraordinary generosity of the Phyllis and Angelo Mozilo Family Foundation will enable us to move forward with the next phase of campus enhancements,” said Sister Carolyn McCormack, OP, president of FSHA.
FSHA will name the Mozilo Family Center for the Arts to honor the Foundation’s grant. The school had already named the Mozilo Family Theater in 2016 when the Foundation made the lead gift of $2 million to the Vision for Veritas campaign.
Phyllis, who passed away in 2017, and Angelo have distinguished themselves in their support of FSHA. In addition to their gifts to support the arts at FSHA, they established the Phyllis and Angelo Foundation Scholarship Fund to provide financial assistance to young women who demonstrate significant and pronounced need and funded the Phyllis and Mozilo Family Scientific Research Lab. The Mozilos’ philanthropy has also benefited numerous colleges and universities, hospitals, social service agencies, and art organizations.
The Mozilos’ daughters, Elizabeth, ’80, and Christy Mozilo Larsen, ’84, are FSHA graduates. Elizabeth’s three daughters, Meghan, ’10, Gabrielle, ’13, and Olivia, ’16, are also graduates of FSHA. Christy served on the FSHA board of directors from 2003 to 2011, including chairing the board for three years. She currently serves as managing director of the Family Foundation.
The Foundation’s gift will be used to launch the Vision for Veritas II campaign to complete the expansion of the Mozilo Family Center for the Arts, to construct an innovation center and to upgrade the electrical infrastructure for future campus enhancements.