Palacios Receives Author Honor

Once Upon a Time’s longtime bookseller, Jessica Palacios, received a James Patterson Holiday Bonus as part of the author’s ongoing commitment to the independent bookselling community.

Jessica, now 23 years old and bookstore manager, book buyer and social media czar, was the impetus for her parents to buy Once Upon a Time Bookstore in Montrose. Her famous letter-to-the-editor, as a 9-year-old, prompted the community to realize the then-37-year-old bookstore was about to close and, as a result, the Palacios family bought the store in 2003 to keep it open as a community touchstone.

Now in its 52nd year in business, the store is America’s Oldest Children’s Bookstore and a beloved gathering place for author events, book clubs and many other events in the Montrose Shopping Park.