New Beginnings at CV Chamber
Welcome spring and all the promise of new beginnings. While it would be okay to just skip April showers and fast-forward to May flowers, we will need the whole month of April to get all the Chamber activities in!
First off, we are excited to revitalize the Chamber business mixers. We are looking to have a monthly mixer either at a member’s location where they can host and showcase their businesses or the mixer will be held at the office of the CV Chamber of Commerce. Either way (or where), you can count on a perfect opportunity to get some business networking going and have a good time doing it. Anyone from your business or organization can represent the membership for business networking and the chance to win the $$$ mixer jackpot – but you must be present to win! Of course, if any member would like to sponsor or co-sponsor a mixer at the Chamber office that could be arranged! Mixers will be held on the second Wednesday or Thursday of each month from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The first mixer is scheduled for April 13 at the Chamber of Commerce office. During some serious spring cleaning at the office we uncovered some Crescenta Valley memories that we must share. Come to the mixer to peruse some old Crescenta Valley “The Ledger” newspapers and many editorials and writings by Don Carpenter. We also uncovered hundreds of photos of Chamber activities over the years. We need help identifying all these younger people! It should be memorable.
And the excitement is beginning to grow for the 2023 Hometown Country Fair! Set for April 29 at the Crescenta Valley Park from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., admission to the fair is free and guaranteed fun for the whole family. Vendor space and sponsorship opportunities are still available.
Get ready for these and future notices of a bumper crop of Chamber events in ’23. Let us help you get the most out of your Chamber membership; we want to help your business succeed and contribute to the strong community spirit we all enjoy living and working here.
For more information, please contact the Chamber office. Tel: (818) 248-4957, email: and the chamber address is 3131Foothill Blvd. Suite D in La Crescenta 91214.

President 2023