Crescenta Valley Strong
This past month the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce concluded two highly successful events … its May 18 mixer, which was combined with the Montrose-Verdugo Hills Chamber of Commerce and held at the La Crescenta Woman’s Club and our Vendors Silent Auction with over $12,000 in valuable gift items auctioned to the highest bidders over a two-week period that ended on Friday, May 27. We greatly appreciate the community’s support and participation in both activities. All of us involved with these two events had a blast!
Save the date! On Friday, June 24 (check-in at 7 a.m.) it’s our annual Student Scholarship Golf Tournament at Scholl Canyon Golf Course. Not only is this a fun day of golf, along with a delicious barbecue lunch at a beautiful setting in the hills above Glendale, it also has a purpose of supporting the Desi Geestman Foundation’s efforts to provide hope and support for children with cancer. If you are interested in participating and joining us, please fill out the golf application on our website www.crescentavalleychamber.org/golf.
During the lunch portion of our golf tournament we will recognize and honor five student scholars for their exceptional academic, social and community involvement. Well-deserved congratulations to students Teleya Blunt, Lauren Curtis, William Lunt, Lucine Rickey and Eric Peterson for being selected as our 2022 student scholarship recipients. The Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce also recognizes each of the other students who took time to submit an application for a Chamber scholarship. All are deserving of recognition and should be proud of their accomplishments. They make our community “Crescenta Valley Strong!”
New Members:
We are proud to announce recent new business members to our Crescenta Valley Chamber family. Robin Learning Systems (Robin Johnson, owner) provides business coaching and consulting; The Donut Guy Realty Group with Keller Williams (Justin Jenewein) handles your real estate needs; 3-2-1 Acting Studios (Mae Ross, owner) provides acting training for all ages; The Foothills Paper (David “Doc” DeMulle) provides community news and commentary; and The Green Hedgewitch (Rebecca Marnette) individual/party entertainment. Welcome to our family!
Emergency Preparedness Tip:
Emergencies often occur without advance notice. Be prepared for any situation. In light of the recent shootings, what we have always assumed to be safe may not be the case. If you see or hear anything out of the ordinary you must act immediately. Don’t hesitate. Your hesitation could result in a serious situation that could have been preventable. For parents, grandparents and friends, it’s our job to keep our children safe and out of harm’s way. Make sure children have an opportunity to talk about the recent acts of violence in our schools and provide them with the attention their questions and comments deserve. And more than anything provide each child with your love and a safe and secure home to live in … they deserve it and they need it!
CV Chamber Membership Opportunities: If you are a Chamber member we are available to help your business plan a ribbon cutting, a grand re-opening of your business or even help you organize promotional opportunities. For those of you who are not business or residential members there are numerous advantages of a CV Chamber of Commerce membership. For details simply call the CV Chamber office at (818) 248-4957 or email us at info@crescentavalleychamber.org. You may also access our Chamber website at www.crescentavalleychamber.org.
Remember our Chamber motto: “Our Business is Your Business.”
Steve Pierce, Executive Director
Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce
(818) 248-4957